Rovus Carpet Cleaner

Carpets are a favourite addition to the living room and bedroom, but cleaning them is not an easy or simple job. Thanks to the Rovus carpet cleaner, the work of cleaning and disinfection has become much easier. The device cleans deeply and thoroughly, removing dust particles, stains, and dirt. Simply pour the cleaning agent and water into the tank with two partitions, one for clean and one for dirty water. Each of the tanks is separately detachable, which speeds up cleaning. The powerful 400 W motor and different programmes and functions allow you to customize the cleaning according to your needs. Use different power settings and operating modes tailored to a specific type of carpet or other floor surface. With intuitive device controls, operating the Rovus carpet cleaner is easy. If you want to throw out the dust from the tank, simply press the button. After use, wrap the cable around the hooks and store it neatly with the device.

Product Details

This carpet cleaner allows you to enjoy the cleanliness of your home that is free of dust, stains, and dirt.

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