Rovus steam station iron

Rovus steam station iron

With the Rovus steam station, clothes become neat and crease-free in no time. Let ironing become your favorite home activity with the Rovus steam station iron. A detachable 1.8 L tank for easy water filling enables continuous ironing for a long time, without the need to refill. This steam station provides powerful and efficient ironing with minimal effort thanks to a large and stable flow of steam, without fear of burning clothes. The advantage of a steam station iron is the same efficiency in the vertical position. There is no need to use an ironing board if you are in a hurry. The Rovus steam station iron adjusts its temperature to various fabrics, with a low noise level. Additional safety is provided by the locking system and automatic shutdown, which contributes to the protection of the device, saving energy and extending the lifetime.

Product Details

Steam station with a capacity of 1.8 L for perfect ironing

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